What is
Acupuncture has been around for thousands of years as a modality of traditional Chinese medicine. The human body is a harmonious balance of yin and yang. These two forces are opposing but depend on each other to keep the body healthy and balanced.
Energy called "Qi" ( pronounced chi) flows along pathways, known as meridians, throughout the body. The constant flow of energy keeps yin and yang in balance. When this energy becomes blocked, it causes disruption which can lead to pain, lack of function, or illness.
Acupuncture works by inserting thin needles into specific points on the body known as acu-points. Different techniques are then used to manipulate the needles which moves Qi and restore that balance throughout the body.
We Treat
Using TCM diagnostics, we create an individualized acupuncture protocol to help re-balance your body. Acupuncture is great for both prevention and the treatment of a wide variety of conditions, including:
Pain Management
Digestive Issues
Sleep Issues
Well Being
Meet Your
Josh is a registered acupuncturist of British Columbia and graduated from the long standing PCU College of Holistic Medicine in Burnaby, BC. Currently Josh is practicing out of Statera Therapeutic Solutions.
After years of struggling with chronic pain and finding minimal solutions from western medicine, Josh sought out different approaches to healing the body. Throughout his exploration of holistic medicine, he became very drawn to Traditional Chinese Medicine and its approach of finding balance to create well-being.
Joshua is very passionate about holistic medicine and with the approach of addressing the root cause to heal the whole body. He believes that proper treatment outcomes are achieved with open communication between practitioner and patient and is committed to providing a safe, welcoming and nurturing place to heal.
When Josh isn’t doing acupuncture he enjoys spending time with his family, rock hounding and boxing.